by Sai Lo | Nov 9, 2020 | Empowerment, Life Coaching, Subconscious Mind
One of the reasons why changes that dismantle old habits can sometimes feel too challenging, is because it often takes us out of our comfort zone causing us to feel extreme discomfort. Biologically speaking, our brains and nervous systems are not designed to deal with...
by Sai Lo | Nov 3, 2020 | Conscious Coaching
The best way to describe a life coach is not someone who’s a guru or a teacher, but rather someone who is here to serve, support and empower others to do their best in order to uncover knowledge they already have deep within. A Conscious Life Coach honors each...
by Sai Lo | May 24, 2020 | Subconscious Mind
What is the subconsicous mind? The subconscious mind is responsible for generating over 90% of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors, yet it often gets overlooked. It’s an operating system that has been running since we were in the womb. Its main functions is...