“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.“
~ Carl Jung
Hi there, I’m Sai

I am a Conscious Life Coach helping women who are feeling stuck or lost in their lives to spark meaningful and lasting change from within in order to create a life they truly LOVE! I use a combination of traditional, spiritual and intuitive coaching techniques and principles to help individuals tap into their subconscious, align with their truth and be master creators of their personal reality.
Work With Me
Are you currently feeling stuck or lost in your life? Don’t worry, you are not alone! For decades, I was living inauthentically in many areas of my life, because no matter what I did or how hard I tried the same patterns and blockages seemed to repeat themselves again and again. It wasn’t until I looked deep within my subconscious, exposing my patterns that I was finally able to get unstuck, find joy, uncover purpose and receive unconditional love.
I am here to help you identify and let go of your very own blockages and patterns that may be preventing you from living the life you love. I will help you tap into your subconscious, identify your patterns, reconnect with your soul in order to return to inner states of love, joy, power and peace. You will begin to live a more heart-centered life filled with passion, freedom, meaning and purpose. From there, you will naturally call in more joy, abundance, divine connections and authentic relationships.

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